The thinner vivid natural color LED technology – Total KAIST and Samsung

Department of Physics, KAIST professor Choyonfun 13th, Samsung Electronics Institute of Technology (Technical Institute of total), three primary colors of light together with red, green, and blue represents all possible, make it difficult announced that it had also developed a method that can represent white. This technology is now used to display a color screen, and is commercially available, which clearly much deeper than an existing monitor.

Cho’s research team, “Gallium nitride (GaN)” substance of a few micrometers (1 micrometer is 1 millionth of a meter) to create a pattern made of a semiconductor LED-sized hexagonal pyramid. Shitara electricity here, found that the various colors of light to appear by the voltage. Hexagonal pyramid slope angle was different for each color of light emitted at the vertex. Depending on how strong voltage is applied, it has developed an original technology can represent a variety of colors.

In addition, the research team which is much smaller than 300 nanometers (1 nanometer is 1 billionth of a metter ), was able to get the same results by making a large semiconductor below. The findings of a global academic journal in the field of materials science, “Advanced Materials” was published in the daily papers with a cover.
Professor Cho, “without the use of various wavelength fluorophores (colors) of science is that it confirmed the Seru, and it makes sense in the industry,” adding, “Once the company and additional research, the efficiency can develop better products, “he said.

Scientists and engineers from domestic and hopes to be able to handle the next generation LED technology that is ahead of Japan and Germany now have developed the LED device. LED technology can be displayed without a phosphor material total in Japan, have been developed in Germany. But not to be larger than 3 inches in size, has a high cost and drawbacks. Different kinds of LED and Amoreddo (AMOLED, an organic light emitting diodes), but also are used mainly in mobile devices and smartphones.

Team Leader next generation LED Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Korea Kuonogyun contant with the research team led by Professor Cho, “Natural Color LED technology Kia total of two Japanese patents related to proprietary companies such as OSRAM, Germany If that is limited access of Korean companies, “adding,” technology has been developed now on make the big screen as a monitor or TV, it does not use materials are also highly likely suppressed low even more production price “was expected.

In addition, the length Kwon team, “have different methods approach, it seems to be well patent issues,” adding, “When promoting good research later, thinner than half from now, be used to develop TVs and monitors cheap more “he added. An official of Samsung LED, “Now we study the early stages of development but, after five years can be seen as practical,” he said.