Category: Mobiles

  • U.S. Study – BlackBerry Users The Most Pessimistic

    U.S. Study – BlackBerry Users The Most Pessimistic

    A Latest News: Now almost everyone in the hands of a smart phone, any information is easy to grasp. However, recent U.S. study showed that in the hands of smart phones can not only provide information, you may also reveal whether the optimists. U.S. recycling companies Gazelle recently conducted a study found that 52% of…

  • Nokia attack the U.S. low-cost Windows Mobile

    Nokia attack the U.S. low-cost Windows Mobile

    Nokia set Jan. 11 in the U.S. launch of smart phones equipped with Windows Lumia 710, take the first step to counterattack the U.S. market. (Bloomberg News).Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia (Nokia) and the fourth largest U.S. carrier T-Mobile USA announced that next year, January 11 will be launched in the U.S. equipped with Microsoft…